Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Evee C2C Pokemon blanket

Pattern only the background is going to be white and the border for each square will be red.

I redid the fairy Evee because A it was to big and it fought me big time. I don't like that one at all but glad it is done and the right size now.

This one had the most colors

Takes two to three days to make one square and also depends on my hands

Last one done. Yahoo.
Finished. Border with shells. Done Feb 2nd 2018
Now to redo all 8 again except for the fairy evee.

Robyn's Blanket

I got six and a half done
I will change the order when I get the two blue ones done

Didn't have enough pastel yarn to full fill the border so I used blue tones on the sides

Finished 06-20-18 giving this to Robyn

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Dragon tissue box

 First time Its taken me a few i still have a ways to go but here we got.