Monday, March 18, 2019

yarn dolls

Finished Yarn Dolls. I try to make each doll different. Some may have long arms and legs some may have short it all depends on the doll.

 I made ruffles on the front of this one not sure I like it. Colors are purple and dark pink. She also has a angel necklace on her. I hated her dress so I redid her entire outfit with the same colors and added wings.

The blue one is traditional with a purse. 

This one I have the outfit done and the hat has a heart and bunny ears on it. The dress is traditional.
Sorry I will not give out the pattern due to this yarn doll being vintage and being one of a kind.
Made this angel doll for Carrie Parker

Here is the fixed purple one

I gave this one also to Carrie Parker 
\This one is a bunny doll

 Yellow and white 

Purple and white

Pink and white
I made these three for my cousin Dennis Mcgee

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Dragon tissue box

 First time Its taken me a few i still have a ways to go but here we got.