Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tissue Box cover in Jade

Latest project> Plastic canvas Tissue box

I am almost done with this tissue box for Chris. I start three days ago Monday the 6th of July.

I made this with the color of Jade. Chris wanted a bottom to this tissue box which is a first for me to do 6 sides.

I think it came out awesome. This pattern does make the project go slow but the results are AMAZING.


  1. I googled queen sized crocodile stitch blanket, cause I wanted to see a finished one for inspiration. I'm only about a foot into mine and lordy does it take a long time!!!! This box is really beautiful, and your finished blanket did inspire. I hope to finish mine as well, some day...

  2. I am so glad that you are working on a crocodile blanket. Yes I agree that it does take a lot of yarn. I am glad to be your inspiration. Will you please post your blanket on here I would love to see your work. Thanks.


Dragon tissue box

 First time Its taken me a few i still have a ways to go but here we got.